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Intelligent Defense

Intelligent Home Defense

Intelligent Home Defense Course

The Intelligent Home Defense Course is designed to give you a basic understanding of how to defend yourself and your family utilizing principals from Military Special Operations.  Topics will include escalation of force, use of cover, concealment and movement & intro to close quarters battle (CQB). Events will include tactical walkthroughs and scenarios.  


Each course is conducted at the individuals residence and tailored to your unique layout, challenges and needs. 

Intelligent Business Defense

Intelligent Business Defense Course

The Intelligent Business Defense Course is designed to give you and your employees a basic understanding of how to react and defend yourself and your coworkers utilizing principals from the FBI and Military Special Operations. Topics will include "Run-Hide-Fight", escalation of force, use of cover, concealment and movements & intro to close quarters battle (CQB).  Events will include tactical walkthroughs and scenarios.


Each course is conducted at your place of business and tailored to your unique layout, company size, challenges and needs.

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